Phonemic Intelligence

Genius Brain Program for All Ages

Developed by Dr. Baskaran Pillai in the US, Phonemic Intelligence (PI) is the only technique that’s proven to activate your GI (General Intelligence) and Genius Intelligence.

Dr. Baskaran Pillai,

Founder of Phonemic Intelligence

Phonemic Intelligence has been in development, testing and research for two decades.

  • Simple practice for all ages: children, adults, seniors.
  • Just 7 minutes a day can produce significant relaxation and neuronal activation.
  • Neuroscience-based, tested globally with over 150,000+ individuals.

The Genius Program will officially open enrollment in 2021.

You can get started today with Dr. Pillai’s introductory PI Lite Program

Free PI Lite Program

Empower yourself and your child with a technique for global brain activation.
Learn the principles behind the science of Phonemic Intelligence (PI).


Dr. Baskaran Pillai

The Secret of Nature: You are born a genius

Schools and colleges are not teaching intelligence as a discipline but nature is doing that. We have a hundred billion neurons at birth. Everybody has the ability to manipulate the neuronal connections, creating more synapses, and become a genius.

The point is, it’s not too late for us to start developing our genius brain. I have dedicated my life to do that.

Research And Data

Harvard University, fMRI Research USA

A leading neuroradiologist at Harvard found that PI Phonemes have unique fMRI signatures in the human brain and increase blood flow to important areas of the brain-the orbitofrontal , parietal cortex and the cerebellum(2016).

Academic Achievement Study, Goa and USA

Failure rates for high school students reduced by 91.5% and there was up to a 2028% improvement in students moving from lower to higher grades (2018-2019).

SRM University in Chennai, India and

Students practiced PI/MST for six weeks before their medical exams resulting in improved academic scores and reduction in cortisol levels (stress hormone) (2010).

Brain Science International in San Francisco, USA

Research confirms that PI Phonemes created a signature sound wave in the brain within one minute of practicing PI along with the activation of the anterior cingulated(2012).

New York Public School 119, USA

In a study with three fifth-grade classrooms at Detroit Public Schools(USA) practicing PI daily, higher scores on Star Math tests, as well as 30% fewer code infractions were reported(2015).

Psychometric  Study, Goa, Gujarat, Tamil Nadu, Pondicherry and 

Psychometric Study conducted in all 856 government schools of Goa, 40 schools in Gujarat, 10 schools in Tamil Nadu and 10 schools in Pondicherry demonstrated significant and dramatic improvement in critical cognitive skills of attention, memory, mental speed, verbal and visual fluency, and motor skills(2018-2019).

Detroit Public Schools,

In a study with three fifth-grade classrooms at Detroit Public Schools(USA) practicing PI daily, higher scores on Star Math tests, as well as 30% fewer code infractions were reported(2015).

Research By Harvard Medical Scientist And Brain Wave Scientists At Brain Science International, San Francisco, USA.

I gave the scientists the sounds to be studied separately with listening and articulating tasks. Initially it was brainwave research and quickly moved to study fMRI signatures. fMRI produced amazing results that led me to create the science of Phonemic Intelligence.

The Seat Of Intelligence

Phonemes, which are the smallest sounds that carry a distinct meaning, are fundamentally the producers of intelligence. There are intimate connections, at various levels, between sounds and meaning, neurons and synaptic formations. The sounds go immediately, within seconds, and create activation signatures in the brain when you look at the fMRI results.

It is an amazing discovery that each aspect of intelligence, such as music intelligence, math intelligence, sports intelligence – all occupy distinct places in different parts of the brain anatomy.

Not Only For Kids, For Adults As Well

This is an intelligence program, and it is not only for kids. It is for adults as well because it improves your intelligence. You can become a genius if all the neurons are put to work and get activated through the sounds.

Genius For Life

Research provides compelling evidence that mental aptitude and success in life go hand in hand, not only during childhood but throughout life. Intelligence and mental abilities have been shown to govern outcomes in professional success, intellectual attainments, creative expression, happiness, and adjusting well in general.

The more concrete proof is improved academic grades and the results from our psychometric test study.

Why A Genius Program?

I’m most interested in the Genius Program – how to take a kids, whether at home or at school, and improve their learning ability, their creativity, their memory, their concentration. All these can be studied and can eventually make this kid a genius and that is my intention.

Then we can take it, not only just to schools and colleges, but even to corporations to give it to executives, and show how you can activate a given area of the brain. If you want memory, go and work on the hippocampus and then the sounds that can be given. The neurotransmitters are involved in the creation of intelligence, all these can be studied

The practice is very simple. You do it for a few minutes. We are going to make this available electronically so that people can have access to it globally.

Take the First Step With The Free PI Lite Program

Learn how to achieve global brain activation in seconds. Immediately learn to awaken your brain for better learning and productivity with this short complimentary training- for free.

What will I learn?

Discover the secrets of intelligence

Learn a simple technique to create global brain activation in seconds

How to practice a PI Lite technique and teach it to your child

Practical neuroscience to help you unlock your brain’s true potential

Community support & mentoring to enrich your PI practice