For the past 18 years, Mohini has been serving as a speaker and seminar leader for Pillai Center’s transformational teachings and techniques around the globe. She has also been a part of the development and implementation of the Pillai Center’s educational offerings.
From a young age, Mohini has been a youth leader in Christian faith and has also served as a missionary. She has explored various new age practices and systems of thought.
Mohini has a B.A. in Religion from the University of Iowa and has studied a wide range of world religions. At the University of Minnesota, she did her Master’s studies in Communication Disorders.
While living in India for 10 years to create Dr. Pillai’s Nadi Astrology and Fire Lab Center, Mohini has had further opportunity to delve deeply into the ancient, spiritual sciences of India.
“I have the greatest admiration for people who open their hearts to the Divine and follow an inner calling to live a life based on spiritual principles in their own unique way. For me, the Pillai Center teachings have completely revolutionized my life in every aspect and given me an entirely new life, and I’m so grateful I can pass on these teachings every day and offer others the opportunity for total transformation.”- Mohini
Jai Radha Guerrieri
Jai Radha Guerrieri is a specialist in transformative education with a unique gift for designing and delivering dynamic programs and practices that lead to embodied and lasting change. Jai Radha has practiced meditation for over 18 years and has been teaching for the past twelve. During this time, she has studied with living masters of Interfaith, Buddhist and Hindu lineages.
She is a spiritual life coach and manager of the Pillai Retreat Center. With her inviting and comfortable style, Jai Radha welcomes students into the deepening levels of their own creative potential.
Venkatesh is a diverse and dynamic teacher of the Pillai Center for MindScience. He is a certified martial arts instructor in the Koga Ryu Ninjitsu system of self-defense, under the tutelage of the late Grandmaster Ronald Duncan.
A social entrepreneur, he is actively involved in the running and operation of a global NGO focused on removing poverty and suffering in the world. Diverse careers include trading on the NYSE, entrepreneurial ventures in the entertainment industry and positions in academia including at the City University of New York.
Venkatesh is nationally recognized for his advocacy for the disabled in many areas, most prominently through the National Barrier Awareness Foundation Award for bringing adaptive technology for the blind. He is a graduate of Brooklyn College where he earned his Bachelor’s Degree. He is also a published author and recognized expert in the field of computing for the disabled.
For 14 years now, Venkatesh has been studying with Dr. Baskaran Pillai and has been empowered by Dr. Pillai to perform Fire Labs utilizing spiritual technology for the benefit of individuals, groups and all of humanity. Versed in Vedic and shamanic rituals, he organizes spiritual retreats throughout the world, spreading spiritual technologies to heal the mind body and spirit.
Sucharita has been studying with Dr Pillai for over 17 years and shares his teachings with others around the world. She is the Educational Programs Manager at Pillai Center where she creates, coordinates and facilitates online programs.
She provides spiritual support through Advisory Services where her skills and experiences in Massage and Cranio-Sacral Therapy, Chiropractic and Life Coaching enhance various levels of member care.
She enjoys sharing her experiences from spiritual travels and pilgrimages around the world while committed to uplifting others on the path.